Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Fresh New Beginning

We've been in our building for a few weeks now but so much is happening at our old one.  The 421 4th Ave building is coming down in stages and is bittersweet for many of us here at TrueNorth.  You'll see in the following pictures offices of colleagues are simply not there anymore as well as windows and walls.  We are excited to be in our new beautiful new building but to see the old one going down to make way for the library is kind of odd.  We truly believe this fresh new beginning for both organizations is great for the community!
Bulldozer at west end of the old TrueNorth building tearing down those walls

All windows are out of the east side of the old building, too.  So odd to see offices of colleagues without walls and windows.
On Jan 5, this is what the east side looks like!

Front of 421 4th Ave.

It's crazy to see where the TrueNorth sign used to be but...

See where it is now.  It illuminates our garage!

Our wall is complete now in the lobby on the second floor of the building. 
Great to see the quote that originated the name of the company on the wall with the logo.

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